At Brentwood Vineyard, we give as an act of worship, not out of simple obligation or guilt, but as an overflow of our hearts. We view our giving as an investment, expecting to see a Kingdom return and we know that as we invest our money in seeing lives transformed, communities renewed, life released in our town and the nation reached, our heart are also changed.
Thank you for investing in Brentwood Vineyard and choosing to give in this place. We would love you to come join us as we pursue Jesus and the life that he brings.
How do I give?
If you have internet banking, you can set up direct regular giving.
Bank: Barclays Bank
Sort code: 20-12-21
Account no: 30662453
Account name:
Brentwood Vineyard Church
Reference: bVc-(insert surname)
You can give by cheque in the post to Brentwood Vineyard Church, Ashwells Road, Brentwood, CM15 9SE.
Please make cheques payable to 'Brentwood Vineyard Church'